Friday, February 29, 2008

Today's 7 Bits of Grace

1. So far I haven't spilled coffee on my new, white, $ 7 sweater. This is a bigger accomplishment than you might think. I am The Big Dribbler.

2. The bad news is I finished listening to the audio CD of Anne Lamott's 'Grace (Eventually).' I enjoyed it so much I miss her already.

The good news is I found this other guy who may be interesting to listen to, too. But then again, no one else is Anne Lamott. :-(

3. My Girl Scout cookies came in today!!! (MINEMINEMINEMINE)

4. It snowed last night, yes, but not much.

5. Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut! I need it desperately. Once I have my new style I will be outrageously beautiful and everything in my life will fall into place. Oh, sorry, lost consciousnes briefly.

6. The kids are home from school today, and I'll be at work at least part of the day.

7. I need to do a lot of reading this weekend! Bliss.


Pam Hogeweide said...

hey, thanks for hanging out at my blog.

ok, The Ragamuffin Gospel, written by Brennan Manning, has been a very powerful book for me. I cried by chapter two, and then several more times after that. As a voracious reader, let me tell you, books do not make me cry. But Manning read my mail and comforted me with his picture of a God who is more gracious and merciful than I could ever imagine. I am now a solid Manning fan dedicated to owning and reading everything he's written. I also have Abba's Child, The Signature of Jesus, and A Glimpse of Jesus. He is insightful, humble, open about weakness (when so many other leaders are not) and he JUST GETS IT.

I also like Anne Lamott. I've heard her at two readings here in Portland. She's a nice lady. Her book for writers, Bird by Bird, a classic.

I will for sure see you around the blogs. Good stuff here.......!

Lisa Guidarini said...

Hey, Pam! Glad you stopped by. Thanks for the into about Brennan Manning. Wow, maybe that will be a good follow-up for Anne Lamott.

Zen and the Art of Bluestalking Maintenance

One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.