Thursday, February 21, 2008

Grace, Amazingly

Okay, so according to not only MY LOVE Anne Lamott, but also to a number of other sources I've been reading lately it's a really good thing to list things you're grateful for every day. Some create a list of five things, some ten and some an insane number I won't even consider.

My number, I just decided, is SEVEN. Seven as in Lucky Seven, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Seven and Seven (yes, please!).

Every. Single. Day.


Okay, the purpose of this exercise is to prove to yourself your life doesn't suck as much as you clearly see, I mean THINK it does. No matter how crap your day has been, you have to find seven things you can be happy about. They can also be things you're happy didn't happen. I just decided that, because my palms are getting all sweaty and I'm starting to hyperventilate at the thought of coming up with seven entire things every time I sit down to my computer.


Okay. Seven. I can do this:

1. I never had a fourth child.
2. It didn't snow today.
3. The dog crapped outside my room, not in it, in front of my closet where she usually likes to go.
4. Half Price Books had some great books on sale for $ 1. And I bought them.
5. I interlibrary loaned another Anne Lamott book on CD, which will hopefully get to me soon.
6. My hair didn't look as ugly and dry as it sometimes does.
7. The oatmeal cookies are done baking. Yum.

Phew. I made it.

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One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.