Monday, February 4, 2008

She's up! She's down! Who can keep track?

Balance. Say it with me! Baaaaaaalaaaaance....
Deep breath.
Okay, now you can exhale.
All three kids are home with the pestilence today - fever, headache, cough, sore tummy. I'm doing my best not to breathe in their vicinity, because I cannot afford to get sick. The fate of the free world rests on this!

The good thing about the kids being sick (did I really just say that?) is the unexpected bonus day off work. I need homework time because I've been rather slack in that area since the semester started. I need to do reading, and lots of it. I also need lots of coffee to stay awake for the loads of reading. Library and information studies is definitely my thang, but like all disciplines there are some damned dry scholars writing articles that are just way too damn long. That gets me to another subject, my rant against scholarly writing and the "publish or perish" environment at universities, but I'll let that one go for now. As any good teacher will tell you, there's such a thing as too many topics in one piece. And like any good student, I enjoy abusing rules.

Anyway, Monday is here, following a generally pretty good weekend. I put in some hours at the library on Saturday, to make up for the evening the snow kept me from getting there, and I hosted a concert (folk/acoustic guitar) on Sunday. I submitted my column to my editor on time, I blogged, and I even managed to watch the Super Bowl, though I don't care at all about the sport (but there are men in tights, which has its advantages).

I also spent a portion of last evening reading Oprah's latest selection, Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose. So far, it's more than any one person may ever want to know about the ego. It's enlightening to know how much the ego really does control us, but Tolle's style isn't the most dynamic in the world. He doesn't crack a single ass joke, for one thing. Totally serious, that one.
The Oprahites will eat this one up, I know they will. And there's some good stuff in it, a lot of things the modern world really needs to know. For one thing, we're all way too selfish. We suck in so many ways. But we're not beyond redemption. Well, some of us are, but I won't point any fingers.
Interesting to know Oprah's into this sort of thing. I mean, it's so out of character...
I'll read along, check her message boards, and if the Universe deems it necessary I'll try to catch Eckhart Tolle when he inevitably comes on her show to talk about all this stuff. Going only by his cover photo I think he just may be a garden gnome, at least a younger version without the white beard. That's what he reminds me of, a sage garden gnome. Either that or the Lucky Charms guy. We'll see how he looks in person.
Now I'm outta here. I'm obviously not doing homework when I just said that's the good thing about today. Time to put away the shiny objects, put in the coffee I.V. and get down to reading about information studies.
Go ye forth and do good works. Or something.

1 comment:

wormauld said...

Love this blog too. I didn't know Tolle had new book out.He's amazing.

Zen and the Art of Bluestalking Maintenance

One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.