Thursday, February 28, 2008

Today's 7 Bits of Grace

1. My daughter's planning a sleepover this weekend. At someone else's house.

2. I got my ass out of bed this morning and went to work out. I managed a full hour on the elliptical!

3. Anne Lamott's book on CD (Grace (Eventually)) made me laugh out loud on the way to work this morning. She was talking about what a shit her teenage son was. I got satisfaction out of her comment, "That's why teenagers make such good terrorists."

4. Books! Lots and lots of books. I'm tripping over them in all the rooms of my house.

5. I organized myself well enough to ship out two packages I'm so, so late in sending. What a relief.

6. Sunny again today!

7. I remembered to bring my lunch to work with me this morning. Hurrah!

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One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.