Sunday, February 10, 2008

People still suck, but I'm getting a little beyond that

I'm really not sure how Zen it is to bitch and moan about people and what crap they can be, but you know, I'm human. Zen Buddhism isn't so much a goal to me, anyway, as an ideal of what life should be like, if everything on earth were perfect. Which we all know it isn't, though we do have those shining moments of less craptasticness from time to time, those few, fleeting moments in which we almost feel we could dare to dream. But then the Coyote misses the Road Runner again, falls off the cliff, and gets his brains squashed by an anvil.

Le Coyote c'est moi.

I didn't really come here to bitch today, though. I swung by to report on having attended UUC services again this morning, despite the bone-chilling temperatures (wind chills of - 30)(!!). It was damn cold in the church today, too. It's an old building and furnaces build in the stone age weren't meant to cope with the effects of global warming, apparently. So we all shivered our way through the service. If we were Catholic we could consider the experience a mortification to the body, and thus look forward to the prospect of another hour off purgatory. Not being Catholic, we hunker down like forest animals in hibernation, looking for something to take our minds off how chilly it is. Luckily, there was enough going on today I barely noticed when I lost feeling in my toes.

Today's service was, I thought, pretty entertaining. Rev. Dan went over the plans for the upcoming big series of services/classes on all aspects of the UUC's approach to finding one's own spiritual path. He illustrated each week's plan with a sort of mini-tutorial on what we can expect, including a report on the week we'll be concentrating on the mind/body connection. I've never seen seated yoga performed in a church environment before, but I can say I've seen it now. Yep, I think this church is just where I need to be. Any church that unconventional gets my vote.

No new reading to report on. Grad school's effectively sucking all the free time out of my schedule. But stay tuned. Things are never boring here. That I can guarantee.

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Zen and the Art of Bluestalking Maintenance

One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.