Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Today's 7 Bits of Grace

I posted, over on my other blog, about what a crap day I'm having so far. I won't bore you by duplicating, but trust me. It's sucked. And it's not even noon.

But despite that, I'm going to find seven bits of grace, DAMMIT!

1. It's cold as hell outside, and so windy I thought my hair would blow off leaving me bald. But at least it's not snowing. Right now.

2. A national publication asked me to submit an essay to them, on spec. SQUEEEEAL!

3. Subway. Roast beef. Pepper Jack cheese. Hot giardinera.

4. Neal Pollack's dude at Anchor wants to know if I want to interview him. I mean Pollack, not the dude. Umm, give me half a second to think about that one. YESSSSSSSSSSS!

5. I can't feel my forehead lines today.

6. It's almost lunch time. (see # 3)

7. I've been feeling like such total crap because I'm behind reading for the blog bookgroup I'm in, but then I found out one of the guys is nearly as much a sloth as I am.

Phew. This one was a squeaker. But I made it.

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.