Thursday, March 6, 2008


Welcome to my sleepless nights.

I'm in an insomnia pattern. Fun! This is night, oh, three or so of getting just about as little sleep as is humanly possible to function.

It's nearly 2:30 a.m. now and I haven't slept a wink. Last night and the night before I had little catnaps through the night. But tonight, nada so far.

The good news is I have plenty to read. Finding something to do isn't problematic, it's just knowing I'll feel like crap tomorrow that makes me a little bummed.

So, may as well report in on what I realized earlier today I still hadn't done, UU lesson # what was it... four?

The topic: what I believe about life. Examples: People are generally good, I have to roll with the punches and enjoy what life gives me, stuff like that. That's what some other people said re: what they feel is true.

But as for me? Hmmm. Let's see. One thing I believe in is karma. The Christians refer to it as the Golden Rule. Basically, how you treat others comes right back to you. It's not supposed to work out in this life that you see the immediate results. That's the stuff of several lifetimes, if you believe in that kind of thing. But I think a version of it is more instant than that. Some of it does come back around. I've seen it. It may not be properly karma, but it's close enough for me.

Other beliefs in life... Well, it's hard to believe people are generally good, at least right now. Actually, it's not a good time for me to even delve too deeply, methinks. I'll stick with a firm belief in something resembling karma, and leave it at that.

Now I'm going to go write a column, since it's nearly 3:00 and I'm still not sleepy. Maybe once I get a rough draft done I'll be able to get some rest. I hope.

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One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.