Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday Overview

I'm not a Sunday church-goer. I'm not a church-goer at all, but somehow this day still seems appropriate as a summing up day for things spiritual.

I'm not sure how well I did with patience this week. It's not my strong suit anyway, and no one week of thinking about it (along with about 1,000 other things) is really going to make a huge impact in my life. But putting it center stage is never a bad thing. I'm sure I learned something. I just don't know what. If nothing else, I learned to be mindful of it. I added the topic to my written journal and I've been exploring that and many other topics.

I'm busy as hell with reviewing work, and also interviewing authors. I have them queued up and if I don't send them their interview questions soon they'll get miffed. And who can blame them? I did get one review done, and another sent out.

Life is frantic, and starting next week (with the new semester of my grad school work) it will only get worse. I'm signing up for a meditation class on January 25. I'll take an "easy" yoga class just before, then stay for meditation. I am so looking forward to this. I know it will be a very positive experience and hopefully it will lead to more classes until I feel I can wing it on my own.

So I guess I'd say this week has been frantic, and I'm not sure how conducive to things Zen it's really been, but a start is a start. A journey of a thousand miles, etc. I give myself my stamp of approval for that, and I continue to look forward.


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Zen and the Art of Bluestalking Maintenance

One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.