Thursday, January 10, 2008

Instant Karma!

What a treasure Barbara Ann Kipfer's book is. 8,879 ways to increase my good karma? That's even more opportunities than the title character from My Name is Earl.

I am SO set for life.

So, here's the deal. I'm going to post one of these precepts per Instant Karma! post, then talk about how it applies to my life. If, during the course of centering on this mantra/thought/higher principle something happens to illustrate how I've learned and grown as a result I'll post about that, too.

Later we'll serve juice and cookies. It'll be great!


"Wait for a door to be unlocked instead of trying to break it down."

Hmm. Okay. Taking this one as a metaphor, I suppose the point is patience. And yeah, lack of patience is one of my biggest failings sometimes. I can be like a toddler that way. Sad, but true. I see something, it looks like fun to play with, I WANT IT!

Now, I'm not like that with everything. I have certain weaknesses, as do we all. But in the Zen tradition the goal is not to focus on material possessions, or possessions PERIOD. Appreciate them, sure, but don't get so caught up in them they rule you.

Alright. I can handle a few days' worth of keeping this one in mind. Patience is a virtue. It's sometimes an annoying one, but it is a virtue.

Let's see how I do with this one, shall we?


B Kipfer said...

Hey! And thank you for mentioning my book INSTANT KARMA! I hope you will enjoy rooting around my website,, where you will see the Karma Cabin and can serendipitously get 14 things from the book. I think you'll like other stuff on my site, too. I certainly like your site! Cheers, Barbara Ann Kipfer

Lisa Guidarini said...

Barbara, how nice of you to drop by! I will definitely visit your site.

Zen and the Art of Bluestalking Maintenance

One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.