Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Holy Cow

It's been nearly a month since I posted here! I knew I lapsed, but didn't realize it was by THAT much. Sheesh.

I'm thinking about what progress I've actually made on the spiritual front over the past month. One thing I was taught to do recently involves removing the Higher Self from all the other selves (the angry side, the maternal side, the depressed side, etc) and giving it a sort of "break" by imagining it walking up a mountain and just BEING for a while. It's a means of stopping the mind chatter, I guess you'd say.

The result is supposed to calm me, stop me from listening to all that noise, both positive and negative. It does work. I just need to practice it more often.

But as for any big breakthroughs, any spiritual moments, I can't say I've really had any. Not for a long time, unless I'm really missing something.

I need to start another book on the subject, or get back to one I've already started. With everything going on in life it just hasn't been a high priority. Things just haven't been that great.

Hope they're better with all of you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, that's a nice spiritual execise you suggested. I must try it.

*Ed P

Zen and the Art of Bluestalking Maintenance

One woman's search for enlightenment in a distinctly unenlightened

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Mum of three, navigating mid-life in suburban Chicago. Rolling down the hill faster and faster every day. Trying to make the best of it.